Looking for: Windows 10 login image changer Click here to DOWNLOAD - Windows 10 login image changer Windows 10 has a feature where they will show random images as the background for your login screen. This is known as the Windows Spotlight and it features a lot of beautiful and stunning images. Of course, for some people, this may not be enough. While it is possible to personalize the background without using this software, it does add some useful things such as being able to see user information and more. If you want to c hange your login backgrounds, give this software a shot. The thing you are giving is already at the Windows personalizer setting. What people are looking for is that how to change welcome screen? But I'm sure you don't know it. I don't recommend it. I had to use the command prompt in the Repair screen because the Changer caused my computer to malfunction. I couldn't get into my login screen at all. Not showing lock screen.. Do NOT dow